About Us
Louise Lucas & Glenda Southey are highly experienced LMC midwives with 40 years of experience between them. They work out of the Green Bay Midwives clinic.
Louise & Glenda are qualified hypnobirthing teachers who trained in London in the Katharine Graves' hypnobirthing method. They each hold a Diploma in KGHypnobirthing.
Louise and Glenda are experts in normal birth and particularly passionate about facilitating couples to achieve a positive birth experience. They have experienced many beautiful calm births where couples have utilised hypnobirthing techniques. It is very apparent that these couples are incredibly self sufficient throughout the birth process. Of particular note is the partner has an integral role in supporting the birthing woman to labour calmly and confidently.

What to Expect
KGHypnobirthing is logical, simple, practical …. and very effective. It makes a difference to your experience of giving birth, and gives you the tools to give your baby the best possible start in life.
You will learn about the procedures that can be routine in hospital and your alternatives, so you and your partner can make informed decisions with confidence that they are the best for you and your baby.
Four 2 hour classes, taught over a two week period:
1st week Monday 7-9pm and
Thursday 7-9pm
2nd week Monday 7-9pm and
Thursday 7-9pm
Our classes will run at the lovely Green Bay Midwives site.
It is located at 33 Godley Road, Green Bay. There is plenty of street parking. Please wear comfortable clothing & bring a pillow.
$550 per couple covers all teaching over four classes, a resource folder and “The Hypnobirthing Book” by Katharine Graves. Each class will be invited to form a support network to share information, birth stories and parenting tips.
Wholesome refreshments will be served